Welcome to my astronomy blog, the images on this blog site are my own work which I hope inspire others to go capture images of what lies in space
I have been into astronomy since I was around 11 or 12, my first ever telescope was a Tasco Refractor, I was fascinated at how the Pleiades looked even with the naked eye and I think at that point I was bitten by the Astronomy Bug.
I took my first ever astrophotography image back in 1999 of M42 – The Great Orion Nebula, using an Olympus OM10 35mm Film Camera attached to a Meade LX50 SCT and autoguided by a Meade 201XT Autoguider, the image was 15 minutes in length, I also took some images of the Solar Eclipse down in Cornwall that same year using the LX50. Due to personal reasons I took a break from the astronomy scene and started again in 2007 where I took my first Digital Astrophotography images from Ireland where I was living at the time, I have tried various equipment over the years as well as moving from a Film Camera to a Modded and Cooled DSLR and now to a cooled Mono CCD which my most up to date images come from.
I hope you find my blog useful and inspiring, and look forward (and upwards) to posting more of my images and tutorials here as I produce them